AmigaOS3.5 (958/967)

From:Johan Banis
Date:31 May 2000 at 20:12:17
Subject:Re: cps rates

Op 31-mei-00 schreef Liam:

On 31-mei-00 Liam wrote:

> Hello mark,
> On 31-May-2OOO, You Said:
>> what is the average cps rates ? i use miami with yam..
> Well on my A12OO 030 Pace 56k modem, Using Miami, I connect at
> 5,200 & my download speeds are between 5,400/5,500cps Upload
> speeds are around 3,300cps. I'm told that this is very good speed.
> Don't really know what the average speed is for other users....

That is indeed very high. Do you use the standard serial port?
If so, then your values are even more incredible.

I also use Miami and Yam, on a A1200/060 with a hyperCOM extra fast serial
port. And a 28k8 modem. I hardly get anything any higher than 3000 cps or so. On the average I gain something like 2100 - 2500 cps.

On my A4000/030, with standard serial port and the same modem I get about
the same results.

I always figured that the serial port and the quality of the telephoneline
is more influential than a fast processor or a fast modem, but this does not
quite fit with the results from my two systems (slower port, weaker
processor, same results).

However, 2500 cps (= 2500 x 8) = 20k0 bps, not really bad for a 28k8 modem.
I'm happy with it.


____ Johan Banis
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